Tuesday, December 20, 2016

A dream in which I'm pretty sure I saw the future.

I had a dream last week.
I don't remember most of it. But one part was that sort of dream-real where you remember it vividly upon waking.

There was a grey and white and orange kitten. It's colour was all splotchy. It had almost a half and half coloured face. I'm having a bit of trouble remembering the exact specifics, but I think the face was grey and orange, and it had a white spot on its right shoulder. But that isn't the spectacular part (thank goodness, right?).

Anyways, in my dream I was thinking how I have always wanted a kitten with splotchy colours like that and that this kitten in general seemed pretty great. It started walking towards me. But then my cat (the one I grew up with and my family still has) came up and stopped it. Don't ask me how I know what my cat said, but I do. She told the kitten that it couldn't go to me because it wasn't time to meet me yet. 

So ...  I'm pretty sure I have seen the cat I will have in the future.

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